Saturday, 28 September 2013

How to Treat post delivery Hair Fall...

How to Treat post delivery Hair Fall...

Hair loss is a normal occurrence for a woman after a pregnancy. Telogen effluvium is the medical term for post-pregnancy hair loss, which happens to nearly 50 percent of women after they give birth. A temporary condition, this hair loss should not cause a woman to become bald or experience visibly thin spots. Use these tips to reduce or prevent hair loss after pregnancy.

While this process is normal, it can seem scary. Here are a few natural remedies to lessen the blow.
  1. Treat your hair gently

    Let it flow loosely (no ponytails or tight hairdos). Excessive heat causes hair loss, so allow your locks to air dry after showers and limit your use of curling irons. Don’t color your hair until after the shedding stops.
  2. Eat a well-balanced diet

    After giving birth—and especially if you’re nursing—your body needs a good mix of nutrients to stay healthy. The antioxidants and flavonoids found in fruits and veggies promote hair growth. Nuts, seeds, eggs and fish (all good sources of omega-3 fatty acids) can help maintain a healthy scalp. Iron and protein-rich foods have been shown to counteract hair loss. Postpartum is not the time to try a fad diet in order to lose those pregnancy pounds. Instead regular, balanced meals of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins will go a long way toward healthy hair.
  3. Adopt stress-reduction techniques

    Stress (especially from life-changing events such as childbirth) can play a major role in hair loss. Engage in stress reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, nature walks, laughter yoga, pet therapy, a personal hobby or anything else that puts you in a Zen state of mind. Make it as much a priority to take care of yourself as well as your baby in those first few months after birth.
  4. Give your hair products a makeover

    Most commercial shampoos strip your hair of essential oils and include harsh, irritating sulfates. You might want to try the no-poo method (baking soda and vinegar) or switch to an Organic Shampoo Bar Soap followed by a diluted vinegar rinse (1/4 cup vinegar to 16 oz. water).
    At night, try gently rubbing an essential oil mix into your scalp. Rosemary oil can help stimulate hair follicles and combines well in a carrier oil (particularly coconut oil or resehip seed) with lavender, clary sage and thyme.
  5. Experiment with supplements

    While there isn’t enough medical evidence to support it, some people have found certain supplements to be helpful in counteracting hair loss. These include prenatal vitamins omega-3 supplements (if you’re not getting enough in your diet), zinc, Biotin (a B vitamin associated with healthy hair) and Saw PalmettoAlways read warning labels and consult your physician before taking any supplements.

For Further Reading,
Health Tips


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