Saturday 21 September 2013

How to Increase YouTube Views and become Popular on YouTube....

How to Increase YouTube Views and become Popular on YouTube.... 8 ways to increase you tube views...

Once we started looking at YouTube as a social networking site based around video, everything changed. We began to attract new subscribers on a consistent basis, our views steadily increased and once I figured out the advertising system – it became a significant income stream.

Here are the most valuable lessons I learned about how to increase YouTube views and how to build a profitable YouTube Channel.

There are several easy steps to increase YouTube views. However, these steps are often taken for granted. Many of those who post on YouTube thinks it is enough to produce a funny video and upload it on the site to make a video go viral. While content is very crucial to make the video more likely to get noticed, there are other ways on how you can increase the chances of getting hits.
1. Do Not Skip the MetaData
Creating your video and uploading them is not all the task to get hits in YouTube. You also have to fill up the required meta data including the title heading, description, tags and categories. Fight the temptation of skipping this step. Your patience will pay off because these data help increase the probabilities of your videos getting more views. Your video will not just be an instant hit. Your video will continue getting increased YouTube views even after many months. Meta data does not only increase the chance of getting search on YouTube, but also on other sites such as search engines.
2. Create a Relevant Thumbnail
Another step to increase YouTube views is to create a thumbnail for your video. A thumbnail is basically a snapshot that best represents your video. It could be an image, text or a frozen part of your video.
You have the choice of creating a thumbnail if you are a partner of YouTube. You can customize the design so you have the option of creating one. If you are not a partner of YouTube, the site will auto-generate three thumbnail options for you to choose from. Make sure your thumbnails look good to easily capture the attention of viewers whether in YouTube of in search engines.
3. Use Annotations to Your Advantage
Annotations can also increase YouTube views. They are small texts that are integrated into the video as overlays. Annotations can be information, subscription box or relevant links that will help your audience to remember that you have other videos or that you have products and services that they could purchase to help them with their daily problems. Annotations help generate traffic by increasing the chances of getting your ads clicked or by increasing your Google ranking.
4. Edit Your Video to a Suitable Running Time
It is important to include vital and rich content to increase YouTube views. Many people are no longer looking for short and funny videos but have poor content. They would be willing to watch a longer video if they want to learn about vital information to solve their problems. If your video is simply commercial, then there is no need to create a very long one. If your video is procedural and educational, you can edit it to a desirable length of time so that the content will not be sacrificed. Content can increase YouTube views and can help build trust among your potential market.
 5. By Allowing Video Comments

In the Account Manager Section, under the advanced settings tab (which is right underneath your video), you have the option of allowing people to leave a video in your comment section. Make sure the "allow video responses" box is checked. If you start to get a lot of views, people will want to tag on to your success. One of the strategies to promote getting views is putting your video in other comment boxes. I suggest that you allow people to do the same on your videos.This will potentially get you more views and additional people out promoting your site.
6. Consistent Effort and Consistent Posting
In order for you to increase YouTube views, you need a strategy of consistently uploading and providing fresh content. I would suggest keeping your public videos to no more than 5 minutes in length. However, make sure you offer a product that will leave the viewer with a desire to see more of your productions. Each video should help you become known as the expert in your particular field. One last tip, as mentioned above, one great strategy is to comment on popular videos with a video comment. Do the same. Explore YouTube, searching for similar videos. When you find a popular one, go ahead and leave a comment with your video.
7. AdWords Keyword Tool
Another crucial factor to increase YouTube views is content has to be valuable to the audience. The value of a video can be determined by seeing if it answers questions, solves problems and/or satisfies a need of the viewer NOT you the producer. To help us produce more relevant and valuable content for our audience, we can use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to do some research into what our audience is searching for and with that information produce videos that answer questions, solve problems and/or satisfy needs, of the viewer.
8. Content circles
One of the simplest and least used ways to increase YouTube views is to never let your audience abandon your channel. This is achieved through planned out content production and an annotation strategy. The idea is to place annotations within one video that, at some point, offer you the ease and visial cue of "click here to watch the previous", "click here to watch the next", "click here to watch the making of", "click here to watch the... ", you get the point.

For Further Reading,
How To Guide


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