Friday 20 September 2013

Escalators: How to Ride Safely and Avoid Injury

A recent news story of an eight year old girl whose foot became entrapped while riding an escalator at Macy's reminds us all that escalators always pose a threat of injury to their riders. The young girl was riding with her mother when her foot became entrapped at the landing of the escalator. A bystander was able to turn the escalator off by pushing the emergency stop button, but emergency crews had to dismantle the escalator's landing to free the girl's foot. If you are concerned about how you and your children can ride escalators safely, read on for four important escalator safety tips:

1) Pay attention to your shoes: The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that the great majority of escalator riding accidents occurred when the shoe becomes entrapped-particularly soft- sided shoes like clogs and slides. This might be enough to make you want to wear a sturdy pair of shoes when shopping! But even if you wear tennis shoes, make sure that they're well tied without any dangling lace ends before you get on the escalator. And since kids are known for untied laces, check your childrens' shoes as well before beginning your ride.

2) Avoid the escalator's sides: Where the moving step of the escalator meets the side rail is where escalator entrapment often occurs. So, make sure that you and your children stay away from the sides of the escalator and towards the center of the step. To stay in the center of the step, you may want your child to ride in front of you on the escalator rather than next to you, which would put them closer to the side.
3) Don't allow children to play or sit on the escalator: Teach your children that escalators may seem fun and exciting, but they also need to be ridden with care. Sitting and playing on escalators should not be allowed. Teach them also how to safely exit the escalator by safely stepping off the escalator's landing.
4) Know where the emergency shut off is located: All escalators have an emergency shut off button. The next time you ride an escalator, make sure you look to see where this button is located should entrapment ever occur when you're around.
Escalator entrapment can lead to serious injuries, particularly to the toes and fingers of those injured. You should practice safe riding skills and teach them to your children,

For Further Reading,
Health Tips, How To Guide


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