Wednesday 18 September 2013

10 lessons to learn from Think and Grow Rich...

10 lessons to learn from Think and Grow Rich...

Think and Grow Rich

1. Control Your Thoughts
  • The mind is the most powerful force on the planet, though it all things in the past and future have been accomplished.
  • What you think about on a consistent basis will eventually manifest in your life.
  • Your life is an accumulation of what you have believed and, thought about up until this point.
  • You always have to be alert to what is going into your mind. If you do not continually keep positive things in your mind negative thoughts and ideas will automatically take their place.
  • The process of feeding your mind with positive information must become a habit. A constant focus on positive affirmations is a must in keeping out negative thoughts.
2. Create goals

  • Goal setting is a skill that has to be developed.
  • Goal setting can help overcome any issue that you have influence over.
  • Effective goals must be written and clear.
  • There must be a time frame for when the goal will be started and finished.
  • Once you have finished making your goals you must now give them up to your subconscious and infinite intelligence to bring you the answer.
3. Use affirmations
  • Goals must be constantly reviewed and affirmed in the mind.
  • By continually affirming and focusing on your goals at every possible chance you will create a burning desire to accomplish your goals.
  • Only through a burning desire to accomplish a task can goals succeed.
  • When using goals for future accomplishments or to increase your self-image, you must have emotion for the affirmation to take root in your subconscious.
4. Start where you are with what you have
  • When attacking a new task or challenging goal only focus on the reason why you will accomplish your goals.
  • Record the reasons you believe the goal will come to fruition and, review those and only those reasons daily.
  • Eliminate people or situations in your life that will distract or negatively attack your goals or dreams.
  • Every great dream has its starting point. You must persist to attain anything worthwhile.

To make positive changes you must seek out what are the thoughts and, patterns of the person you would like to be. Then consistently put yourself in the mind frame of that person.
5. Make yourself invaluable
  • Become an expert in your field.
  • Continually upgrade your knowledge and be at the forefront of the next opportunities in your industry.
  • You can never know enough about your vocation
  • Become a specialist and when times change that are less favorable, you won’t have to worry about being without a job.
6. Knowledge is power
  • Knowledge is also security.
  • Knowledge protects you against negative thoughts and attacks from the outside world. Knowledge is your shield in the face of false, unsure, and disruptive ideas entering your subconscious.
  • Knowledge brings confidence, peace of mind, and self-assurance.
7. Use your imagination
  • Your imagination will be responsible for the amount of success you receive in your life.
  • The plans to accomplish your goals will come from imagination.
  • Through imagination your creativity will emerge and bring you success that mere hard work could not attain.
8. Find new ideas
  • When looking for new ideas, set your mind to what you want (in this case an idea).
  • Affirm that you will get the idea from infinite intelligence.
  • Then, let your subconscious mind work on the idea for you.
  • However, the idea may come and go quickly so you must be ready to record them as soon as you get them.
  • Always be ready.
9. Be specific with how much you want to earn
  • If you want to earn a certain amount of money in a given field, you must know exactly what it takes to earn that amount.
  • Search and find mentors or mentors from afar (through articles, biographies, autobiographies, etc.) that earn what you would like to make and emulate their success.
  • Once you find out how they are able to make their income you can use their tactics and improve upon them.
10. Do more than is asked of you.
  • Those who only do enough will be rewarded so.
  • Those who do more than is asks with a positive mental approach will eventually receive more in wages and opportunities.
  • Your work should be your play.
  • If you want a to be truly successful and, be able to put in the time it takes to be great at your job you need to be in a vocation that you choose because you want to be there.
Get your copy of Think and Grow Rich...  Audio book : Think and Grow Rich Audio book

For Further Reading,


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