Sunday 12 May 2013

How to Loose Weight Fast and Get Flat Belly...

1. "If you have abdominal fat you can have great ab strength and great posture, but you won't have a flat abdominal or a six-pack," Barrett says.  "You have to change your diet and increase your energy output."

2. Eat five small meals per day : Hunger is a dieter’s worst enemy. That gnawing feeling usually occurs between meals, when blood sugar levels drop.  In theory, if you divide your daily calorie allotment into several small meals throughout the day, hunger won’t be an issue.

3. Eat slowly and chew food properly : By slowing down and chewing food, you can help to keep yourself from overeating. You can also discover a new enjoyment when eating that you may not have experienced before because of worrying about your weight. Chew your food slowly and let the body do what it does best.

4. Do Cardio exercise regularly : Exercising just your abs will make you appear slouched, so make sure to incorporate cardio into your fitness routine. Cardio is essential to burn the layer of fat around your core.

5. Maintain good posture : For better posture while standing, align your ears over your shoulders, shoulders over hips, hips over knees, and knees over ankles. Keep the fronts of the shoulders open like a shirt on a hanger, instead of a shirt on a peg. Draw your navel to your spine and keep your weight even on the balls and heels. The result: Without doing any abdominal exercise, you can look much leaner by simply standing up straight.

6. Do Swimming : Swimming helps lose weight, burn calories and puts little stress on your body. Swimming works all the major muscles, and will tone you up and slim you down!

7. Cut out Sweets from diet : Barrett says.  "You have to change your diet and increase your energy output."

8. Do push ups and reverse sit ups : Push-ups are one of the oldest and most widely known strength exercises on Earth. They’ve been a staple in military fitness, martial arts and just about every other type of exercise program that’s ever existed.

9. Never skip breakfast : Eating breakfast has many benefits to your health and skipping this important meal can reduce your weight loss success and your general well-being.

10. Drink lot of water everyday : Obese dieters who drank two cups of water before each meal lost 5 pounds more than a group of dieters who didn't increase their water intake.

11. Get proper sleep : Sleepless nights mean stressful days, which can lead to emotional-eating binges. What's more, researchers from the University of Chicago Medical Center tracked 12 healthy males and found that those who got only four hours of rest at night had a 23 percent increase in appetite. So strive for at least seven hours of sleep a night.

12. Cut down alcohol consumption : The calories in alcoholic drinks account for a significant proportion of a drinker's calorie consumption while providing little, if any, nutritional benefit.Cutting down on alcohol is an effective way to lose weight and keep to a healthy weight

13. Release your stress : Getting riled raises levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in your body, and that increase can cause you to gain weight. Plus, research suggests that the angrier you get — and the more frequently you get angry — the more likely you'll be to put on pounds around your waist.

14. Cut fast food : Believe it or not, fast food can be a part of any healthy diet -- even if you're trying to lose weight. The trick is to find simple ways to reduce calories without completely giving up your favorite treats.

15. Eat fresh fruits and vegges : High levels of fruits, vegetables, greens and beans help you lose weight because they are low in calories, high in volume and high in critically important nutrients.

16. Enrich your diet with fiber : Dietary fiber  found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes is probably best known for its ability to prevent or relieve constipation. But foods containing fiber can provide other health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

17. Do crunches with exercise ball : The exercise ball is an excellent tool to strengthen the abs and is the third most effective move for targeting the rectus abdominis. What makes this move a bit more effective than crunches on the floor is that the legs are often involved in floor crunches.

18. Climb Stairs : One of the best ways to lose belly fat and flatten your stomach is to get your legs, your largest muscle group, working. This will not spot reduce but will burn overall calories.

19. Do Yoga : Doing yoga weight loss poses can help you to get rid of excess weight. Checkout these top Yoga poses for Weight Loss.

20. Stay Inspired : Last but not least stay inspired. Think wellness not weight loss. Read 21 Self Help Books you must Read in Your Life.

For Further Reading,
Health Tips, How To Guide


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